Meet the Huya Aniwa Team

Laura Patterson


Laura is a healer, farmer, chef, yoga instructor, and runs a healing arts studio in Truckee, CA. She runs two separate organic and biodynamic orchards and vegetable, herb, and plant medicine gardens. She teaches classes about cooking and using food as medicine. She teaches the importance of using fresh and thoughtfully grown produce, and supporting farms that use regenerative agriculture. On her two farms she hosts retreats, cooks all the food for the retreats, and teaches farming and cooking classes. She teaches to grow food and cook in a way that is healing for the earth and healing for our bodies. All her produce is intentionally grown to be medicine. She is a part of the process through the whole life cycle, living in harmony with the earth and cooking with love. Laura is a trustee of the Aniwa Foundation and hosts annual fundraisers to support their beautiful mission.