A Call to Rematriate Sacred Land in La Noria, Northwestern Mexico

We urgently need your help to protect 345 acres of sacred Aztec land in La Noria, Northwestern Mexico. This ancestral site contains year-round natural water pools, three water springs, and petroglyphs estimated to be over 5,000 years old, predating the privatization of land in the region. 

Huya Aniwa aims to rematriate this land so the rich spiritual heritage of this site can be reactivated, protected, and shared with our Indigenous elders and people worldwide.

This is a rare opportunity to expand the Huya Aniwa Institute as a living, breathing space where Indigenous peoples can come together, share with one another, and teach our growing community how to live in harmony with oneself and the Earth. Let us honor the ancestors of this sacred place and the creatures who depend on it as we continue to work together for a harmonious and sustainable future. 

In a competitive local market saturated with extractive commercial interests, it is of great importance to rematriate this land to ensure its protection. To preserve this ancient site, we aim to raise $164K as soon as possible. 

Over time, the cattle industry has deforested and ignored the sacred legacy of this land, contributing to water scarcity and the decline of this vital ecosystem home to over 500 animal species. This includes local endangered jaguars, who are sadly killed by ranchers that encroach on their native habitat. 

The Huya Aniwa Institute is entirely self-funded, and all ongoing efforts to continue our work are done by the generous contributions of donors. If you are interested in investing in this mission's legacy, please contact our team at info@huyaaniwa.org.